
Showing posts from April, 2019
After the first week, my impressions of the school are good. The teachers and students  have a great relationship with one another. The education is very similar to the USA. It is difficult to  remember the names of the students because they are so different and hard to pronounce. They speak English all day in school because it is an English imersion school. There is a lower and upper school. Lower school is 2nd- 6th and Upper is  7th- 12th. Pre-school through 1st are  in a different building. I am in 5th- 6th special education class.We either pull out or pull in(co-teach). A difference I  notice was that students  call their teachers by their first  names and  teachers attire are very laid back. Teachers wear jeans  a lot. My teacher only has 2 IEPS but has more students on her caseload which is different than the U.S. The students that she wrote IEPS for have dyslexia. They don't have many behavior problems like I have seen in the U.S. Students are just extremely talkative,
4/18/2019 I leave in 2 days for Ecuador and I am so excited. I am most looking forward to seeing the teaching styles and how their school days run. I'm hoping to learn a lot of new information about teaching while I am there to help me to become the best teacher possible for my future students.  I expect to be outdoors a lot because a lot of blogs I have read, which state that they did a lot of outdoorsy things like hiking and walking around town. Ecuador is a modernize city, so I am expecting it to be like a city in the USA, but more cultural looking(older buildings, bright walls, brick streets). Some benefits I am expecting of IST is being able to bring back some knowledge of their teaching culture and use it my own classroom, as well as tell my friends and family about it. Since this is a different culture, I have a feeling I will be making adjustments in the classroom while I am there because they probably teach content and handle behaviors differently. I'm going to be