After the first week, my impressions of the school are good. The teachers and students have a great relationship with one another. The education is very similar to the USA. It is difficult to remember the names of the students because they are so different and hard to pronounce. They speak English all day in school because it is an English imersion school. There is a lower and upper school. Lower school is 2nd- 6th and Upper is 7th- 12th. Pre-school through 1st are in a different building. I am in 5th- 6th special education class.We either pull out or pull in(co-teach). A difference I notice was that students call their teachers by their first names and teachers attire are very laid back. Teachers wear jeans a lot. My teacher only has 2 IEPS but has more students on her caseload which is different than the U.S. The students that she wrote IEPS for have dyslexia. They don't have many behavior problems like I have seen in the U.S. Students are just extremely talkative, which is part of the culture here. Talking excessively is their top behavior problem. Everyone here is really friendly and asks for your opinion about certain things a lot. This has made me super involve already. Students think that we talk fast, which I think is funny because I think they talk fast in Spanish. I have picked up a few words in Spanish that help me order lunch. My cooperating teacher and I work well together and she always ask how I am doing and has made work with students since day 1.
5/2/2019 The past 2 weeks I have been very involved. When we co teach(pull in), the teachers in the room split up into groups and work with the students they have in their group. The students have been working on their magazine project, so I have helped students with grammar, complete sentences, and writing their articles that will go in the magazine. Students have a hard time when going from Spanish to English when writing. I also work with one on one with the students on my cooperating teachers caseload. I pick fluency stories for students to read. I ask questions for comprehension. Many of our students have a hard time keeping their work organized, so I have made many checklists for students, so they know when things are due and what they need to put in each paragraph for projects and papers. Some teachers have asked for the checklists because it has been beneficial for the students with special needs. I helped with MAP testing becaus...
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